jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017


1. Contrivuir o Contribuir

2. Bagavunda o Vagabunda

3. Abotonaba o Abotonava

4. Vúfalo o Búfalo

5. Beneficio o Veneficio

6. Adversario o Adbersario

7. Bicerrector o Vicerrector

8. Emvudo o Embudo

9. Diván o Dibán

10. Omníboro u Omnívoro

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Correct answers:

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016

The clowns in the ballot

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was putting there to distract people from the real problems of united statians and people around the wolrd. They just seem to clown put on a stage to entertain with jokes like “Mine are words, his was action,” Donald Trump reffering to Bill Clinton. 

This isn’t a debate about politics and government program to do a better society; what concern is laws, international relations, economic policy and others topics.

Choose your best clown cause in any way you will laugh with her/his joke.

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

Shadow dullness

A shadow came to my door, and me,
a simple blind human
could see it standing there,
but not the real dullness
cause that bring it here.